miércoles, febrero 01, 2006



It may not always be so;
and I say and if your lips
which I have loved
should touch another's
and your dear strong fingers clutch
her heart
as mine in time
not far away;
If on another's face your sweet hair lay
in such a silence
as I know,
or such great writhing words
as, uttering overmuch,
stand helpelessly before the spirit at bay;
If this should be,
I sayif this should be
you of my heart
send me a little word;
that I may go unto her
and take her hands,
Accept all happiness from me
Then I shall turn my face and hear one bird
sing terribly afar
in the lost lands

"Basically, there's 'Sonnets', and they have many unrealities, and this is reality number 11. It's like a chunk of poems, and this is one of them. It's kind of him taking the piss of himself, when you make up things that scare you out of nowhere - you're just paranoid. In this particular case it's about him being madly in love with a girl, things are totally euphoric and couldn't be more perfect, and then his mind starts playing games on him. He starts imagining, what if, in five years time or something, she sould meet someone else, and how he would deal with that. He asks his girlfriend then; in five years time, when she meets and falls in love with someone else, and will smell his hair and kiss him and be naked with him and all these things - could she please tell him gently, and then he would go up to her new lover and wish him good luck with his new girlfriend, take his hand and wish him all the happiness in the world, and then walk away. It's sort of "how hard can you make it on yourself", you know? I just think it was sort of funny, because it happens - the few times in your life when you feel you've got it right, your mind start going off on "what happens if this goes wrong?" and this feeling of carrying a chinese vase across a motorway... "oh it's definitely gonna break, I know it's gonna break", and you make it up in your head when everything is actually OK." (Björk, XFM 25aug04)


3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


Hola!!! me encanta todo.
En especial el tema de panza
...no vivo ni resisto. Voy caminando despacio/descalzo...

Y bjork, ni te cuento.


Anónimo dijo...

APaaaaaaa Amigoooooo!!!

La sorprresaaaaa q t tenemossssss!!!!


matias leonel dijo...

o sea. re verga el flog y re verga el mozilla no me deja firmartelo
asi que mi firma (que sería de tu flog) va aca abajo:

re dan todas las situaciones...
o sea... te quedas sin trabajo (argentino)
no tenés plata (Argentino)
querés plata (Argentino)
me voy a disney! (chan!. fuera de lugar)
mandale un beso a minnie! =)
ayer la vi en el tren de la alegría de monte!
pero ya debe estar tomandose el avión para allá!
ah! y llevatelo a piñon fijo también! y fijate si consigue algún laburo allá!...
asi no rompe más las bolas con balá aca en argentina!
a balá no te lo lleves, le queda poco al viejo. ;)
jajajaja xD
re forro!
beso bajo!

ahora si!
beso bajete!

PD. ni te gastes en pasar por mi blog porque no lo actualizo hace años.